Women Cheating

How often do women cheat? Do women cheat just as often as a man? These questions are yet to be answered but women cheating has gotten just as bad as men cheating.

The best solution to prevent your significant other from cheating is to keep some very important things in mind.
Most of the time when women are cheating in a married is the lack of communication, self worth, and needed something new! Yes, this does sound awful and is hurtful to realize for her partner but it is a fact.
Women are needy creatures by nature in most relationships. Have you ever heard the scenario if you give a man good sex and feed him , he's like a stray dog you'll have to run him off, its true.

However women can be intimate with a man and laugh at all his stupid jokes but on the inside be feeling like they are missing something or need more that's why it's important to talk with your woman and see what's going on in her life. Stay interested, Give her all your attention (even if the football game is on.), and most important let her know you love and respect her to the fullest. Let's be clear, there are just some rare cases and crazy women that this will still not be enough for them. My advice would be to run fast, its probably a waste of time.

Remember always in a relationship it's an agreement not a death sentence you don't have to stay with anyone but if you are in a relationship both parties must work diligently to work on making the other partner happy. Women cheating is nothing new and will happen as long as relationships are formed but your woman doesn't have to be one of those women cheating if you keep her happy.

Men need to do less thinking about working, money, and having great success and need to tend to their woman more so she can know that she is always the most important thing in their life. All women need that comfort. If you don't show them trust and believe someone else will.